Unit 4 Stage and screen 知识点复习一遍过课件 您所在的位置:网站首页 move sb to tears Unit 4 Stage and screen 知识点复习一遍过课件

Unit 4 Stage and screen 知识点复习一遍过课件

#Unit 4 Stage and screen 知识点复习一遍过课件| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共42张PPT)外研版2019必修第二册Unit 4 Stage and screen知识点复习一遍过知识复习1. transform v. 使改观, 使变形, 使转化【教材原句】Using such techniques, the opera had transformed a small stage into the whole universe. (P39)运用这样的手法, 京剧把一个小舞台变成了整个宇宙。【词块必记】transform. . . into. . .      把……变成……transform from. . . to. . . 把……从……转变成……【构词法】transformation n. 改观, 改变【知识微练】 单句语法填空①Fatherhood transformed him____ a more responsible person.②The movie transformed her almost overnight _____ an unknown girl to a superstar.③The way we work has undergone a complete _____________ (transform) in thepast decade.④Up to now email _______________(transform) the way that people communicate. intofromtransformationhas transformed2. combine v. (使)结合, (使)组合【典型例句】They often create some unique sports activities and combine sports with entertainment perfectly.他们经常会创造出一些别出心裁的体育活动方式, 使体育与娱乐完美地融合在一起。【词块必记】combine. . . with. . .     把……与……结合在一起combine to do sth. 联合起来做某事in combination with 与……结合/联合【构词法】combination n. 结合, 组合, 联合【知识微练】 单句语法填空①In science teaching, we should combine classroom activities ____ lab experiments.②A balanced diet can be better for our health when _________ (combine) withregular exercise.③A ___________ (combine) of all kinds of factors led to her decision to resign.完成句子④If he can ______________________________, he should be very successful. 如果他能把自己的才能和勤奋结合起来, 他应该会非常成功的。 withcombinedcombinationcombine his ability with hard work3. escape v. (从危险或糟糕的处境中)逃离, 逃避, 摆脱 n. 逃跑; 逃脱【典型例句】She managed to escape from the burning car. 她设法从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。【词块必记】escape from/ out of     从……逃脱/溜走escape from prison/ school 越狱/逃学escape from reality 逃避现实fire escape 太平梯; 安全梯; 安全出口a narrow escape 九死一生; 死里逃生【知识微练】 单句语法填空①Had they been warned of the possible danger, they could ____________(escape). ②Television is my escape _____ worry.③Whoever breaks the law won’t escape _____________(punish). ④About five tones of crude oil(原油) escaped ____ the sea.have escapedfrombeing punishedinto4. get across 解释清楚, 传达【教材原句】The performers of course sang in Chinese, but the music, exaggerated movements and mime helped get the meanings across to the audience. (P38)表演者们当然用中文演唱, 但音乐、夸张的动作和手势的表演都有助于把意思传达给观众。【词块必记】get along/on with    与……相处; 进展get around 到处走动(旅行); (消息、谣言等)传播开来get down to 开始认真做get over 克服; 恢复get through     通过; 完成; 接通(电话)【知识微练】 单句语法填空①I spoke slowly, but my meaning didn’t get ______.②I tried calling you several times, but I couldn’t get _______.③The task isn’t so difficult as it seems when you really get _____ to it.④If you can get ____ your present difficulties, then everything should be all right.⑤It’s hard to get _______ in some foreign cities if you don’t know the language.⑥He made an effort to get ________ well with his classmates.acrossthroughdownoveraroundalong/on5. be familiar with熟悉【典型例句】We are all familiar with the three states of matter.我们都熟悉物质的三种状态。【词块必记】(sb. ) be familiar with sth.   某人对某事熟悉(sth. ) be familiar to sb. 某事对于某人来说是熟悉的be similar to 与……相似【知识微练】 单句语法填空①I am not really familiar ____ the local laws.②These are the rules that are familiar __ every schoolboy.完成句子③I _______________his every mannerism. 我对他的各种习惯了如指掌。withtoam familiar with6. To find out the answer, I just had to go and see The Revenge of Prince Zidan—the Peking Opera version of Hamlet. 为了找到答案, 我只好去观看《王子复仇记》 ——京剧版的《哈姆雷特》。 【典型例句】I come here only to say good-bye to you.我来这里仅仅是向你告别。【句型公式】(1)不定式的否定都是在to前面加not。(2)so that既可以引导目的状语从句, 也可以引导结果状语从句。引导目的状语从句时, 其谓语动词前经常有情态动词can/could/may/might等。(3)It is+adj. +for/of sb. to do sth. 是动词不定式的复合结构。当形容词是表示人的气质的形容词时, 动词不定式的逻辑主语通常用of引出。【知识微练】 单句语法填空①I’ve written it down in order not ________(forget). ②He shouted and waved so as to _________(notice). ③He opened the door____ the children to come in.④I came early __ as to read my report before the meeting.完成句子to forgetbe noticedforso⑤ ___________________________( 为了及时到达那里), they started early. ⑥She looked into the window ___________________________________________. 她往窗户里面看, 想知道里面的情况。⑦He got up early __________________________________. 为了赶上第一班公共汽车, 他起得很早。To/In order to get there in timeto/in order to/so as to see what was going on insideto/in order to/so as to catch the first bus7. energetic adj. 精力充沛的, 充满活力的【教材原句】It was so dazzling and energetic that I wasn’t sure if the characters were performers or athletes! (P39)表演动作是如此令人眼花缭乱又充满活力的, 以至于让我无法确定这些角色是表演者还是运动员!【词块必记】(1)be energetic in doing sth.    积极做某事(2)energy n. 精力, 活力; 能量, 能源full of energy(=energetic) 精力充沛的have the energy to do sth. 有精力做某事【知识微练】 单句语法填空①She is an actress and very_________ (energy) in taking part in social activities.②She was quick-footed and full __ energy in all her movements.③I’m old now and have no energy __________(compete) with the young people. 完成句子④I like to _________________________at weekend. 我喜欢在周末做些充满活力的运动。⑤Auckland is a city ____________. 奥克兰是个充满活力的城市。energeticofto competetake some energetic exercisefull of energy8. edge n. 边缘; 优势; 怒气【教材原句】But, in fact, I was on the edge of my seat! (P39)但事实上, 我感到兴奋不已!【词块必记】on edge         紧张不安地, 烦躁地at the edge of 靠近……的边缘on the edge of 在……边缘上, 快要发生(尤指不好的事)on the edge of one’s seat 极为激动【知识微练】 单句语法填空①She was a bit___ edge till she heard he was safe.②I could hear birds whistling _____ the edge of the woods.③Although the old man was ___the edge of death, he still fought with the diseasebravely.完成句子④The hotel was unprofitable and forever __________________(濒于绝境) and hewished himself out of it. onat/ononon the edge of failure9. movement n. 运动, 动作【典型例句】The cat followed every movement of the mouse.猫注视着老鼠的每一个动作。【词块必记】(1)a movement for/against    支持/反对……的运动(2)move away 搬走move sb. to tears 把某人感动得流泪【知识微练】 单句语法填空①We’re starting a movement_______ smoking.②She has been all on her own since her daughter moved_____.③The sad story moved every one of us __ tears.④Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of _________ (move).againstawaytomovement10. anger n. 愤怒, 怒火 v. 激怒【典型例句】He was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight.他忍住了怒气, 避免了一场打斗。【词块必记】(1)in anger          动怒, 生气(2)angry adj. 愤怒的, 生气的be angry with sb. 生某人的气be angry at/about sth. 因某事而生气【知识微练】 单句语法填空①He turned __ anger to look out of the window.②I was angry ____ myself for making such a stupid mistake.③I felt most angry ________ the way he treated me.完成句子④It is better to _________________, rather than bottle it up. 生气了要发泄出来而不要闷在肚子里。⑤I have learned a sad lesson today; and that is never to do anything ________. 今天我得到了一个沉痛的教训, 那就是, 永远不要在发怒的时候处理任何事情。inwithat/aboutexpress your angerin anger11. result in导致; 结果是【典型例句】The accident resulted in three people being killed.这次事故造成三人死亡。【词块必记】result from     因……而引起(接原因)as a result of 由于(后接导致结果的原因)as a result 因此without result 毫无结果地【知识微练】 单句语法填空①Many hair problems result_____ what they eat.②I’ve been trying to open the door, _______ result so far.③A rise in the temperature of the gas results __ its expansion.④___ a result of many such painstaking studies, our present knowledge of theoceans has accumulated.fromwithoutinAs12. Having seen quite a few productions of Hamlet and read the play many times, I was full of confidence—until the Peking Opera came to town! 因为我看过《哈姆雷特》的多次演出, 读过许多遍剧本, 所以我充满了信心——直到我看了京剧版本的《哈姆雷特》来小镇上演!【典型例句】Having finished all my homework, I sat down to have a rest. 完成了所有的作业, 我坐下来休息了一会儿。【句型公式】(1)动词-ing(以do为例)从形式上可分为一般式(doing)与完成式(having done), 其被动式分别为being done与having been done。(2)动词-ing形式的一般式作状语, 表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时或相继发生, 其否定式为not doing。(3)动词-ing形式的完成式作状语, 表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。其否定式为not having done。(4)动词-ing形式作状语可以表示时间、原因、伴随、方式、条件、让步、结果等。【知识微练】 单句语法填空①When _______ (leave) the airport, they waved again and again to us.② ______________(work) for a whole day, the secretary looked exhausted. ③ ___________(talk) to, you should look into the eyes of the person. ④ _________________(show) around the Water Cube, we were then taken to seethe Bird’s Nest. ⑤ _______ (judge) from his expression, he was frightened of spiders.完成句子⑥ _____________________, she felt very unhappy. 没有被邀请, 她感到非常不愉快。leavingHaving workedBeing talkedHaving been shownJudgingNot having been invited13. The voices themselves sounded really unique—some of the female voices were so high that I was sure they could break glass!表演者们的声音本身听起来很独特——有些女声非常高, 以至于我确信它们可以震破玻璃!【典型例句】There were so many books in the shop that he didn’t know which ones to buy.书店里有那么多书, 他不知道该买哪些。【句型公式】 so/such. . . that. . . 用来引导结果状语从句。其中so是副词, 可以修饰形容词和副词, 而such为形容词, 修饰名词。其主要结构有:【知识微练】 单句语法填空①He drove __ carelessly that he almost lost his life.②They are ____ interesting films that we want to see them a second time.③She is __ diligent a student that we all like her.④They are ____ little children that they can not understand what you say sometimes.⑤So difficult is the article ____ I can hardly understand it.完成句子sosuchsosuchthat⑥It is _______________(天气这么好)that we all want to go out for a walk. ⑦We moved to the countryside ___________________________________________.(从而远离了吵闹和单调的城市). ⑧He told us ________________________________________(一个这么有趣的故事)that we all laughed. such fine weatherso that we were away from the noisy and dull cityso interesting a story/ such an interesting story(2020·江苏高考改编)  假如你刚刚观看了CCTV 9播出的中国题材纪录片(documentary)《杜甫——中国最伟大的诗人》, 纪录片中有外国人读杜甫诗句的镜头, 表明中国题材纪录片深受外国朋友欢迎。请根据此内容写一篇短文。要求:1. 词数80词左右。文章开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;2. 内容需包括中国题材纪录片深受外国朋友欢迎的原因(至少两点)。话题写作CCTV 9 broadcast DuFu: China’s Greatest Poet, a documentary produced by BBC.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Because of these films, some foreigners have begun to think of coming to China. In this way, they can form a true picture of China themselves.Step 1 写作技巧①句式提升(坚持短语和句式优先原则)This well-made film causes foreign audiences to know China’s past and presentbetter.→This well-made film ________foreign audiences _________________________China’s past and present. results inbecoming more familiar with②逻辑严谨(适当利用衔接词语, 使上下文紧密衔接。)For one thing, . . . For another, . . .③句式多变(变简单句为复合句, 丰富句式结构。)It has always been an attraction for foreigners. They are keen on anything in Chinese.→It has always been an attraction for foreigners ________________________________. who are keen on anything inChineseStep 2 妙笔成篇CCTV 9 broadcast DuFu: China’s Greatest Poet, a documentary produced by BBC. This well-made film results in foreign audiences becoming more familiar with China’s past and present.Watching the documentaries about China, foreigners are all on the edge of their seats. For one thing, the overall development over the past decades has been so striking that they feel eager to familiarize themselves with what is going on in China.For another, China enjoys a long history and rich culture. It has always been an attraction for foreigners who are keen on anything in Chinese. These documentaries present a splendid picture of China—its history, landscape, art, food, or even traditional Chinese medicine.Because of these films, some foreigners have begun to think of coming to China. In this way, they can form a true picture of China themselves.








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